Usually I'm very much an insomniac. However tonight, I feel quite drained. It could be the fact that I'm not feeling well. I chose this topic to start the blog off just for that reason.
I use to think that being an insomniac meant just staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning...No...Now I stay up until all hours of the morning and sometimes I don't sleep at all...That's truly what an insomniac is. Lack of sleep.
I haven't really done a lot of research on insomnia, other than the fact that most of us have it these days. I want to say that these days it's due to the fact that there's just simply no time to sleep. The thrashed economy has taken it's toll on many of us. Many have multiple jobs just to get by. Some go to school, work, have marriages and have children...I believe all of these factor into insomnia. None of them are easy and all of them take a great deal of our energy to sustain.
We all have things we want in life, sometimes materialism is a factor and sometimes it appears to be more skin deep. I believe that's why many of us, regardless of how the economy thrashes us, leaves us broken and unable to sleep; we continue to thrive for this happiness by getting married, having children, going to school and thriving for a career that will jump start the rest of our lives. But is it worth it?
Many of us believe that this is what it takes to find a true happiness. But, with this terrible economy, I feel that it is in the best interest of the lower and middle classes to focus truly on school and finding that career to get you started before focusing on more long term goals such as having children and getting married. We all want love and yes, sometimes it comes before we're truly ready for it. But if it's possible to wait for marriage, to wait for children, I believe we should do so. This of course is just my opinion and my opinion doesn't work for the masses. We're all different in what we can handle.
It's as if we're purposely putting ourselves under a great amount of stress. Can we handle it? Perhaps...but with it comes a deeper burden. We're burdened by our inability to sleep, which of course I'm sure takes it's toll on our bodies. In the long run, is all of that worth it? Unfortunately for most of us, we have no choice, we must work, we must go to school, we must take care of our children and our spouses.
Hopefully we'll make it to where we all want to be and finally get that much needed rest that we all could use so much these days.
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